Dragonfly Arts

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Catching Up

It has been since February that I wrote an article for my blog!! Wow, that is a long time! So let’s catch up.

The sun is shining, the grass is cut, the flower beds are clean and growing. It looks like a park as I gaze out my back window. There is a slight breeze and my dye plants are newly planted in their big kid pots.

I took a class this last few months discovering how to make dye pots and paint on fabric. It was a great learning experience but also time consuming. I love dying fabric and paper so that’s why I decided to plant some of my own dye plants.

I did complete my Art Therapy Practitioner class on-line and received my certification. I’m very excited to begin sessions with groups or individuals. Art Therapy is a non-verbal type of therapy that allows the client to look at issues they may be facing and express themselves through art. (No artist talent is required). Many different media are used, including paint, crayons, pastels, clay, journaling.

I also worked on my Sound Healing on-line class, but have not quite completed that. My collection of sound instruments include 2 singing bowls, chimes, drum, and Native American flute. I’m excited to finish this training and offer sound healing sessions.

More about what I’ve been doing this coming Monday.

Have an enjoyable day!


Dragonfly Books and Art
